Clay Tablet and Envelope
*”Writing and Record Keeping in Mesopotamia; Egyptian Love Poetry and
>> Mummies”* Please respond to the following:
>> – Consider Chapter 2, pp. 38-42 on the early development of writing in
>> Mesopotamia – the rise of cuneiform script in Sumer and Babylonia.
>> Then,
>> visit online Chicago’s Oriental Institute at
>> the item called “Clay Tablet and Envelope”. Click on the color and
>> black
>> and white images and also read the captions and information. Identify
>> what
>> the “envelope” is made of, and give its dimensions. Describe how this
>> writing (on the tablet and envelope) takes place and what a seal does.
>> Identify the issue being recorded and kept “on file”. Suggest what
>> this
>> tells you of this ancient society compared to our modern one.
…………….Answer Preview……………….
Part One
The envelope is made of baked clay. The dimensions of the envelope are as follows. The height is 18.3 cm while the width measures 11.5 cm. The image was developed during the second half of the fifteenth century. The tablet was kept in a private archive that contains over one thousand texts. The file contains information that shows the outcome of the litigation involving two men. Since the two men claimed that they owned the same estate, the file provides simplified information by the judges that shows the real man who owns the estate. According to the judges, the estate is owned by the man who was able to provide written……………
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