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What was the reasoning and motivation of the Platonic theory

What was the reasoning and motivation of the Platonic theory

3. Research Project

a. What it should be?

– Has a thesis clearly defined, fairly narrow thesis (as opposed to a topic)

– Most importantly, it should be based on a solid understanding of the text and the ideas.

– Contain your own research (either your own thinking and interpretation or helpful use of external sources, or both)

– Some typical categories of papers: o Clarificatory & Evaluative o Historical dialogue o Spinoza’s thinking and its influence

– At minimum 2000 words – Sources should be cited clearly.

I think an explanation and arguments that points us either way there would be helpful. In particular, since Spinoza thinks that the mind is an idea of the human body, it seems that the mind is in some sense the same as the body or very closely depends on the body. How does this mesh with Plato\’s theory? You could also consider the philosophical aim of Spinoza here. What was the reasoning and motivation of the Platonic theory? Do we find functionally similar ideas here or not? Why?

Spinoza does have some cryptic remarks in Part 5 to which you are referring in your email. He also says that we cannot remember or recollect that we are eternal, but still he thinks that the mind has some kind of eternity. On this, you should look back to Proposition 8 in Part 2 where Spinoza explains (quite abstractly) how the human mind as an idea can be part of God\’s infinite intellect

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What was the reasoning and motivation of the Platonic theory


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