FedEx company
Write 2 pages about FedEx company and follow the instructions:
> 1- First page : 1- *” sociocultural*” How this factor can affect the
> external environment and capabilities of the FedEx “. Analysis this factor
> “sociocultural” and explore what is The opportunities and threats in this
> factor “sociocultural” then recommend a strategy for the future that fits
> with your analysis.
> 2- second page : 2- *”Substitutes”* How this factor can affect the internal
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FedEx Company is a renowned courier service company esteemed for its efficiency in the delivery of services. However in the world of business there are factors that highly influence its functioning capabilities and these include the macro and micro factors. Micro factors involve the internal environment of the company where often it is usually in control. On the other hand there are the macro factors which involve the external environment of the company which under most circumstances it is not in control of. Sociocultural factors fall under the macro environment and for FedEx company is integral for it to be very diverse………………..
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