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Describe why goal setting is a key component of your personal leadership development.

Describe why goal setting is a key component of your personal leadership development.

Describe why goal setting is a key component of your personal leadership development. In your explanation:
Describe why goal setting is important to your development as a leader (of self and others).
Identify one goal of yours, explain why it will contribute to your personal leadership development, and write it as a SMART goal (specific, measurable, attainable, reasonable, and time- bound)
Include a specific reference to at least one form of evidence to support your post. This could include one or more of this week’s Learning Resources, or an additional source of your choosing. As a reminder, you are encouraged to paraphrase- rather than quote – any relevant ideas from your selected form of evidence and be sure to include the source of the information. Title is (Personal leadership development) Discussion


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Describe why goal setting is a key component of your personal leadership development.

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