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How community involvement, law enforcement, courts and corrections affect the juvenile justice system

How community involvement, law enforcement, courts and corrections affect the juvenile justice system

You are a juvenile justice consultant creating a proposal that will be presented to the state legislature concerning the future of the juvenile justice system.

Include the following in your proposal:

A brief explanation of how community involvement, law enforcement, courts, and corrections affect the juvenile justice system
A description of how effective your state Hawaii is at rehabilitating youth, providing restorative justice, and preventing recidivism
Suggestions for how to improve all of the following aspects of the juvenile justice system in your state:
community involvement
law enforcement
courts and sentencing
restorative justice
prevention of recidivism
Justification for your suggestions based on history, trends, causation theories, and potential for reform; use current statistics and data to support your claims

Answer preview to how community involvement, law enforcement, courts and corrections affect the juvenile justice system

How community involvement law enforcement courts and corrections affect the juvenile justice system


1053 words

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