Choose ONE commodity from EACH of the three categories for a total of THREE different commodities
Economic Geography 175 words short two paragraph writing
Go to Bloomberg’s Commodities
Once here, you’ll notice Bloombergs has an overview of commodities, then the categories: Energy, Metals, Agriculture.
1. Choose ONE commodity from EACH of the three categories for a total of THREE different commodities
2. For each that you choose, do the following:
a. Provide a brief description of what this commodity is (this may require a small amount of ‘web research’). Spend approximately 15 minutes to write up a short 50-75 word summary for all three that you choose
b. Look at the prices for each over the last year (you’ll have to go to the chart for each and play around until you find the correct one: you’ll see 1D 1M 1Y and 5Y) choose 1Y for 1 Year…
c. Why do you think this commodity has experienced the price swings you are seeing? Spend approximately 30 minutes to write up a short 75-100 word summary for all three that you choose..
Answer preview to choose ONE commodity from EACH of the three categories for a total of THREE different commodities
224 words