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Select a patient population of interest to you and create a 1-2 page-teaching tool that advises the patient or family

Select a patient population of interest to you and create a 1-2 page-teaching tool that advises the patient or family

Select a patient population of interest to you and create a 1-2 page-teaching tool that advises the patient or family on how to use the internet to locate and examine health information.

Identify 3-5 websites that would be useful for this group of patients as a source of information or teaching materials.

Include sites to look for, sites to avoid and search strategies.

Present your information in the form of a brochure or a flyer.

Make sure that it is written at the appropriate level for the average adult (7th grade reading comprehension) that it is clear and lists the websites and their URLS.

Assume that the patient/family has internet access and knows how to use a web-browser.

List any reference materials that you used to create this tool. Cite APA Source(s).

Answer preview to select a patient population of interest to you and create a 1-2 page-teaching tool that advises the patient or family

Select a patient population of interest to you and create a 1-2 page-teaching tool that advises the patient or family


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