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US healthcare system and Affordable Care Act

US healthcare system and Affordable Care Act

In 2 – 3 pages, identify seven different types of ambulatory care settings and describe what they do, why ambulatory care makes sense in today’s healthcare environment, and compare and contrast free-standing versus hospital-based settings. The paper should critically evaluate the models of ambulatory care setting as a strategic model in relation to the environment. Students may select the US health system with the Affordable Care Act or International markets including socialized medicine. The paper requires 2 scholarly references and be in APA format.

Good grammar and punctuation is important.


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Ambulatory care is also referred to outpatient care. This type of care involves patients visiting health centers or health specialists for treatment or consultation and the patient leaves after treatment; it is treatment of patients who are not admitted in the hospital. Ambulatory services not only happen in the health care facility but also involve medical specialists visiting the patients to their home areas and providing treatment and consultations in their homes environments.  There are….


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