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Ecowas leadership and Strategies

Ecowas leadership and Strategies

Evaluate the leadership needs of ECOWAS and identify strategies that ECOWAS as an organization can follow to achieve its goals. Please highlight these from transformational leadership perspectives and describe the best strategy for ECOWAS leaders to follow.

This paper must articulate a strategy for implementing transformational change in the organization. This paper must be 1,500–2,000 words in length.

The paper must have references, APA style and no plagiarism.

Paper must be ready by November 2nd .






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            The Economic Community of West African Countries was founded in 1970 to unite the West African countries and to enhance regional cohesion in these countries as well as the surrounding countries. Like in any other organization or community, leadership is very critical for the success of ECOWAS. Transformational leadership is also very critical in ensuring that organizations achieve their goals by increasing…..


1680 words