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A Christian worldview model based on servant leadership is impractical in a highly competitive business environment

A Christian worldview model based on servant leadership is impractical in a highly competitive business environment

Hypothesis Paper:
asks you to propose a hypothesis related to some proposition about the interaction of a Christian worldview and business philosophy and practice. The paper would then explore a variety of paper (books/journals) and electronic sources, developing information that both confirms and disconfirms the hypothesis, and then reaches a conclusion about the hypothesis. Examples of hypotheses that could be explored include:

? A Christian worldview is more appropriate for a nonprofit than a for-profit organization.

? It is easier for women to adopt and act on a Christian worldview in business than for men.

? A Christian worldview model based on servant leadership is impractical in a highly competitive business environment. (I’d like to choose this topic.)

? Cooperation is more compatible with a Christian worldview of business than competition.

The original work of the student must make up for 80% of the paper and cited resources must not exceed 20% of the total paper. At least five references required.
Must follow the APA format. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9hXY1xiZjo )

A 10-15 minutes oral presentation with a complimentary PowerPoint presentation highlighting major points and conclusions. If your presentation is less than 10 minutes or more than 15 minutes, points will be deducted.

In your presentation highlight the following:
Hypothesis Statement
Methodology (research design, respondents, data gathering and procedure)

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A Christian worldview model based on servant leadership is impractical in a highly competitive business environment

7 slides

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