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Provide a summative statement about the leadership skills you have studied

Provide a summative statement about the leadership skills you have studied

Leadership Final

In your final project, you will provide a summative statement about the leadership skills you have studied. This project can serve as a Personal Leadership Best Practices Manual that you can refer to long after you have left the course. You will also be reflecting on the lessons in leadership that have been covered in this course, and you will assess how they may have impacted your approach to leading.

Demonstrate comprehension and analysis of course topics and objectives;

Provide a personal evaluation of your leadership style, vision, and ethics;

Set out a plan for improving and applying your skills, vision, and ethics in your business life; and

Use personal examples to best illustrate the concepts you are describing.


The following outline indicates the topics and items that your evaluation should cover:

Introduction and philosophy of leadership. Explain the dynamics of leadership.

Core leadership skills. Describe your competency and development plan in the following areas: your administrative skills, interpersonal skills, and conceptual skills.

The value of vision. Identify the purpose and characteristics of a vision.

Setting the tone. Illustrate how attention to both vision and core skills supports organizational strategies and goals.

Challenges: out-groups, conflict, and obstacles. Describe how you will create strategies for responding to both group/out-of-group members and handling conflict.

Your leadership style. Demonstrate how your skills, vision, and the role of ethics and social responsibility impact your personal and/or professional life.

Report Specifications

Include a title page with your name, submission date, course name and number, and the title of your paper.

Label the six topics described above.

The final paper should be 8-10 pages in length, not including the cover page and references.

The final paper should be double-spaced and in APA format, 12-point font, with 1-inch margin.

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