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How do see the four different leaderships styles shared in the article align with using developmentally appropriate practices

How do see the four different leaderships styles shared in the article align with using developmentally appropriate practices

Leadership Journal #2

As was highlighted in your previous course, throughout the MAECEL program, you will create one leadership journal in each course throughout your program. These journal entries are designed to help you built upon what you have learned in previous courses, and to expand and extend your thinking about yourself as a professional and ethical leader in early childhood education.

Part 1: Course Reflection (1 point): For your second journal, you will begin by reading the article, Leadership Styles (Links to an external site.). Respond to each essential question below. Provide an explanation with supporting details and examples in your response to each reflective question.

How do see the four different leaderships styles shared in the article align with using developmentally appropriate practices when working with young children?

What connections do you see between these leadership styles and promoting the healthy growth and development of young children?

Part 2: Program/Professional Reflection (2 points). Describe someone from your personal or professional life that personifies each leadership trait reflected in the article (these can be different people or the same person), and how they have positively impacted your life. How does this person exemplify the leadership traits you have learned about so far in this program? Reflect on which trait(s) you identify yourself with now, and how each trait will foster your ability to be an effective leader in your field. Finally, what is your plan for strengthening those traits that might not be as evident currently?

Suggested Assignment Length: One to three double-spaced pages (not including title and reference pages).

Integrative and Critical Thinking Expectations (demonstrated within the content of the journal):

Connections to Experience (.5 points): Meaningfully synthesizes connections among experiences both within and outside of coursework to deepen understanding of fields of study and to broaden own points of view.

Reflection and Self-Assessment (.5 points): Envisions a future self (and possibly makes plans that build on past experiences) that have occurred across multiple and diverse contexts.

Research and Resource Expectations:

Sources are not required for your journal assignments. However, if you need to cite information, you must cite in APA format and include a reference page.

Writing and Formatting Expectations:

Professional Reflective Voice (.25 points): Journals may be written in a less formal, but still professional voice (avoids casual language). First person voice is encouraged.

Organization (.25 points): Demonstrates logical progression of ideas.

Syntax and Mechanics (.25 points): Writing displays meticulous comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

APA Formatting (.25 points): Papers are formatted properly and all sources (if used) are cited and referenced in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.).

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How do see the four different leaderships styles shared in the article align with using developmentally appropriate practicesAPA

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