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Discuss the ways that the changing media landscape is affecting the psychosocial consequences of disaster

Discuss the ways that the changing media landscape is affecting the psychosocial consequences of disaster

Disaster mental health question board 1-1

Listen to “The Daily” podcast episode from May 24,2018 (Links to an external site.) (23 min) – https://tinyurl.com/yb5o7uyl

Social Media and the Internet undoubtedly give us helpful tools for crisis response and management. That said, there are negatives that can sometimes outweigh the positives.

1. Discuss the ways that the changing media landscape is affecting the psychosocial consequences of disaster, for better or for worse.

2. Reflect on the ways that media (social or otherwise) positively and negatively impact crisis management. How can we quell the rumor mill? How do we combat further traumatization?


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