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Bounty Hunters are typically licensed and formally-trained professionals who play the important role in the commercial bond business and the criminal justice system.

Bounty Hunters are typically licensed and formally-trained professionals who play the important role in the commercial bond business and the criminal justice system.

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Respond to these 3 posts. don’t forget to use sources. (100 words each)

Post 1:

“Bounty Hunters are typically licensed and formally-trained professionals who play the important role in the commercial bond business and the criminal justice system. Bounty hunters serve as fugitive recovery agents for the bail bonds industry and are responsible for the safe apprehension of criminal fugitives who have skipped bail, or posted bail but have failed to appear in court. Most bounty hunters operate as independent contractors, taking assignments from bail bond agencies and receiving 10-25% of the bail bond’s value. Bounty hunters may conduct investigations, interview subjects, and perform surveillance to identify the whereabouts of a suspect. The profession of bounty hunting requires the skill of physical strength, investigative savvy, negotiation, surveillance, self defense, and strong communication skills. The process to become a bounty hunter varies from state to state, with about half of the U.S. requiring official licensure or registration. Most bounty hunter jobs do not call for specific education prerequisites, minimally requiring a high school diploma and some on-the-job training.

Due to the lack of qualifications required to acquire the position and the vast differences from state to state in requirement, bounty hunters should be limited in their authority over defendants. They are not trained to a shared standard between states which results in liability and they are not required to have education prerequisites.”

Post 2:

“In plea bargains, prosecutors usually agree to reduce a defendant’s punishment. They accomplish this by reducing the number of charges of the severity of the charges against defendants. They might also recommend that defendants received reduced sentences.

Plea bargaining allows the criminal justice system to conserve resources, however, plea bargains are controversial. Some oppose plea bargains because they feel that plea bargains allow defendants to shirk responsibility for the crimes they have committed. Others argue that plea bargains are coercive and undermine important constitutional rights. Plea bargaining requires the defendant to waive rights protected by the Fifth and Sixth Amendments which are the right to a jury trial, the right against self-incrimination, and the right to confront witnesses.

Plea bargains are treated as contracts between the prosecutor and the defendant. If a defendant breaks a plea bargain it is akin to a breach in contract, which means that the prosecutor is no longer bond to their obligation as a part of the plea deal. If a prosecutor reneges on plea bargains, defendants may seek relief from the judge. The judge might let the defendant withdraw the guilty pleas, may force the prosecutor to follow the plea bargain, or may apply some other remedy.

I am against coerced flea bargaining by law enforcement, especially for crimes in which they did not commit. However, in some cases where defendants face severe charges from crimes they committed and the prosecution has overwhelming amounts of evidence against them, I would recommend the defense taking a plea deal. For example: Mother of Gabriel Fernandez, Pearl Sinthia Fernandez, plead guilty to the first degree murder of her son and was sentenced to life in prison without parole because the prosecution of that case was seeking the death penalty if convicted (Keith, 2018). Her choice to take the plea came a few months after a downtown Los Angeles jury recommended that her boyfriend, Isauro Aguirre, 37, be sentenced to death for the boy’s killing. ”

Post 3:

Better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffer,” says English jurist William Blackstone. The ratio 10:1 has become known as the “Blackstone ratio. The basis of criminology establishes that one’s innocence is presumed until proven guilty. I agree with Blackstone’s statement. Due to the rights afforded to suspects in the Fifth and Sixth Amendment, particularly the right to a speedy trial by am impartial jury presumes that American law will ensure that innocent people are not of convicted of crimes they did not commit. Exoneration from wrongful convictions, also known as a miscarriage of justice, are exonerated at a rate of three exonerations per week, almost double the rate in 2011. A total of 166 wrongly convicted people whose convictions date as far back as 1964 were declared innocent in 2016 (Barone, 2016). Wrongful convictions rob people of not only their freedom, their rights, their livelihood, their family, their lives milestones, and life opportunities.

Answer preview to Bounty Hunters are typically licensed and formally-trained professionals who play the important role in the commercial bond business and the criminal justice system.

Bounty Hunters are typically licensed and formally-trained professionals who play the important role in the commercial bond business and the criminal justice system.


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