Improving Productivity
Using the information starting on page 408 of your text book, describe how to improve productivity in non-hospital organizations e.g. American Heart Association, Lupus Foundation, Alzheimer’s Association etc. What are the differences in applying the model to the non-hospital setting? Are there any special challenges in the non-hospital setting?
Required Text
Wolper, L.F. (2011). Health care administration: Managing organized delivery systems (5th ed.). Boston: Jones and Bartlett.
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Productivity is often a resulting factor of job satisfaction. Job satisfaction is often times met through both intrinsic and extrinsic motivators and the required job design. Setting of objectives and targets in which the employees are supposed to achieve and giving a time limit to achieving the same can be beneficial in improving productivity in the organization. This will be possible as it will allow the employees to determine what they are supposed to achieve and to work towards achieving the same….
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