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Describe at least three humanities resources that you could use to investigate your theme and artifacts.

Describe at least three humanities resources that you could use to investigate your theme and artifacts.

Describe the cultural artifacts that you chose. Consider questions such as these in your response: What is the name or title of the artifact? Who is the author or artist? What is the date or time period when the artifact was created? What is the cultural location or physical setting of the artifact? In
addition, you could consider including a photograph or image of each cultural artifact, if they are visual artifacts.
II. Identify at least one common theme that will serve as the framework of your exploration document. How is the theme expressed in your artifacts?

III. Explain how the theme you identified is related to your personal experience. For instance, you could discuss how the expression of the theme in your cultural artifacts is connected to you personally.
IV. Discuss a profession that could be impacted by the theme you identified. In other words, how is the theme you identified related to professional experiences? How could a working knowledge of the humanities be useful in this field?
V. Describe at least three humanities resources that you could use to investigate your theme and artifacts. Your sources must be relevant to your theme and of an appropriate academic nature. In your description, consider questions such as the following: What are the similarities and differences in the
content of your sources? What makes them appropriate and relevant for investigating your issue? What was your thought process when you were searching for sources? How did you make choices? Did you encounter any obstacles and, if so, how did you overcome them? If you did not, why do you
think it was so easy to find what you needed?

HUM-200-Project-Part-One-Guidelines-and-Rubric HUM-200_Part-One_Cultural-Artifacts_Juan-Carlos-Perez

Answer preview to describe at least three humanities resources that you could use to investigate your theme and artifacts.

Describe at least three humanities resources that you could use to investigate your theme and artifacts.


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