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How strong communication skills will strengthen your credibility and success in today’s competitive job market.

How strong communication skills will strengthen your credibility and success in today’s competitive job market.

1. Journal One:

Today, we discussed the importance of good communication skills. Please review Chapter 1-3 in your textbook, Essentials of Business Communication and comment on how strong communication skills will strengthen your credibility and success in today’s competitive job market. Please give specific examples.

APA format and must include 3 pages (not including cover page and reference page). Please incorporate two in-text citations from your textbook.

Topics to Consider:

• Why Writing Skills Matter More Than Ever

• Soft Skills

• Effective Listening

• Strong Nonverbal Skills

• Understanding the Communication Process

• Business Writing: Purposeful, Economical & Audience Oriented

• Developing the “You” View

• 3-x-3 Writing Process

• What Trends in Business and Developments in Technology are Forcing Employees to Write More Than Ever Before?


Answer preview to how strong communication skills will strengthen your credibility and success in today’s competitive job market.

How strong communication skills will strengthen your credibility and success in today’s competitive job market.

1070 words

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