Film Assignment (Ethicana)
Film Assignment # 1 (EthicanaTM)
This assignment is based on the film Ethicana
• Go to this link and carefully watch the film again from the point of view of your assignment. (you may also view it on Media Matrix).
• Questions in all versions (A,B,C) are related to creative middle way solutions in context of culture transcending norms and ethical issues arising out of internationalizing of the engineering profession.
• CHOOSE ONLY ONE OF THE QUESTION GROUPS ABOVE (A, B, or C), and identify (by its letter) which of the question groups you are answering. Failure to do so will result in a deduction from the grade.
• Read the assignment statement carefully. Note that there are several questions being asked so make sure that you divide your response in a manner that each question in the task statement is answered.
• Some of the common tests and theories for evaluating ethical behavior are listed on the next page. Write your response based on these and other guidelines for ethical behavior discussed in class.
• Your response to the task assigned should be no more than 500 words (double-spaced, 1- inch margins, 12-point font – Times New Roman / Arial). Remember the page limit and style requirements are firm and points will be deducted if you fall short of meeting them. Please use a separate cover page for your name/UIN/etc.
A: “Pay-to-Play”: what does it mean? Does size and intent of contribution make a difference? Does this happen in your country? Do you believe “Pay-to-Play” is a is a major problem, minor problem, or not really a problem? Can you think of any time when “Pay-to-Play” would be OK? Can you do good business with bad people? If you serve on the CANT Board of Directors, what policy would you develop? Why?
B: Do our obligations for the safety of our employees, the protection of the health, safety, and welfare of the public, and our environmental responsibilities change as we cross international borders? When is it okay to go along with local practices and when is it not? On what basis do we make that decision? Is “Pay-to-Play” simply a matter of local culture? If so should we conclude “when in Rome do as Romans do?” Always? Sometimes? Occasionally? Depends on the circumstances? Never?
C: If Unoco knows corruption is endemic in Ethicana, should he have advised CANT to pursue the project? Is it appropriate to exclude your company from doing business in places you know corruption exists? Should we take the local culture into account? If so, how? How should respecting the local business “culture” and customs play into contract negotiations and performance?
Grading Rubric
Mechanics and Grammar (Total 2.0 points)
2.0: No significant errors of spelling, grammar, punctuation, or usage. Graceful sentences with appropriate variety of structures.Words are chosen precisely. Writing is vigorous and engaging.
1.5: Minor errors of mechanics and grammar. Occasionally awkward sentences. Active verbs are used, with few superfluous or poorly chosen words. Some pronouns without clear referents
0.5: Numerous errors in grammar and substandard usage. Several cumbersome and unclear sentences.Wordy, excessive nominalizations, weak verbs
Reference to tests of evaluating behavior (Total 2.5 points)
2.5: specific and correct reference/s to 3 or more tests for evaluating actions
1.5: specific and correct references to at least 2 tests for evaluating actions
0.5: specific and correct reference to at least 1 test for evaluating actions
Format (Total 0.5 point)
0.5: Double-spaced, in 12-point type, with one-inch margins. Submitted on time. No more than 500 words in length with word counted printed at the end of the paper. Separate title page with name and submission date. Aggie Honor Code signed by the student on the cover page.
Suggested Tests for Evaluating Actions
1) Harms Test: Do the benefits outweigh the harms, short term and long term?
2) Reversibility Test: Would I think this was a good choice if I traded places?
3) Colleague Test: What would my professional colleagues say? What does my professional code of ethics say?
4) Legality Test: Would my choice violate a law or policy of my employer?
5) Publicity Test: How would my choice look on the front page of tomorrow’s newspaper or morning news?
6) Common Practice Test: What if everyone behaved this way?
7) Wise Relative Test/ Mom Test: What would my mom, wise old aunt or uncle do? and/
Or Would I want them to know what I’m doing?
8) The Hiding Test: Do I want people to know what I’m doing?
9) The Self-Respect Test: How will I feel about myself after making this choice?
Suggested Theories for Evaluating Actions
The Role of Ethical Theories: Our thinking about ethical issues can be clouded by our intuitions and/or biases. One way to make sure our intuition or biases do not control our final decisions is to approach issues in a systematic, well-reasoned way, considering fundamental ethical theories or principles to guide our decision making process. We have studied several moral theories that are commonly invoked when making decisions about ethical issues, but the most common three follow: make use of these theories as you work on this assignment.
1) Utilitarianism: The right thing to do is to promote the greatest amount of good for the greatest number of people.
2) Respect for Persons: Individuals should be treated with a fundamental level of consideration.
3) Virtue Ethics: Right and wrong is about being the right kind of person; cultivating morally desirable traits such as honesty, courage, and compassion.
………………..Answer Preview……………….
The obligations of an organization do not change when one crosses borders but they vary depending on the law of the land in which they are taking their operations. This is mainly because the level of responsibility that is expected to be shown by an organization depends on the law of the country. Safety of the employees is basic and must be considered when a company in the construction sector is working on a…..
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