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wording and placement on the page

wording and placement on the page

MLA Study Guide

  1. How should the title appear on your Works Cited page (wording and placement on the page)?


  1. How should your Works Cited page be alphabetized?

It should be alphabetized by the very first item in each and every entry. The first entry is always the author’s last name, but if the is not author available use the work title.






  1. What should be on your Works Cited page?



It appears at the end of your paper and on a separate page. This is where all the sources cited in your entire paper must appear.



  1. Where do we indent a citation on a Works Cited page and what do we call this type of indentation?







  1. How would you cite information from page 198 of a book titled Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire by Amanda Foreman in an in-text citation?



  1. Your source has two authors, Mary Williams and Ellen Yarbrough.
  2. How would they appear in an in-text citation from page 23?



  1. How would they appear on your Works Cited page?



  1. Three authors are listed as follows in your source: Ian Wilmut, Keith Campbell, and Colin Tudge.
  2. How would they appear on your Works Cited page?



  1. How would they appear in an in-text citation?



  1. When you have a source by four or more authors, you can list them all, or you can use what Latin phrase after the first author’s name?



  1. The title of a minor work, such as an article, appears in quotations.
  2. What two optionsfor title formatting do you have for a major work?


  1. What is the current rule about which to use and why?



  1. What is one situation in which it is appropriate to use the other?



  1. What types of sources does the word “periodical” refer to?



  1. Margaret Sanger Papers Project. History Dept., New York U. 2 Jan. 2008. Web. 6 Dec.



  1. In the above source, a website, what does the first date given refer to?The second?



  1. What do you put if there is no date of publication listed?


  1. What do you put if there is no publisher listed?


  1. How would you modify this citation if you were citing a page on this website with no

authorentitled“Biographical Sketch,” rather than the entire website?


  1. To cite an article from a scholarly journal in an online database in MLA style, include thefollowing elements:

1Author and/or editor names

2 Title of article

3 Name of periodical

4 Volume and issue numbers

4 Date of publication

5 Inclusive pages [Volume, issue, date and page appear as: 26.1 (2001): 35-6]

6 Name of database

7 Medium of publication

  • Date of access


  1. Using the above information, put the following source into correct MLA format: “It’s the Information Age, so Where’s the Information?” by Jill D. Jenson, in College Teaching,Volume 52, issue 3, 2004, pages 107-12. Accessedon February 2, 2011, in Academic Search Premier.






  1. How do we know this is a scholarly journal and not a magazine or other type of source?



  1. Why does MLA no longer require URLs (unless specifically asked for)?



  1. You have a source titled, “Tigers and the Critical Effect of Mankind on their Natural Habitat,” with no author or page numbers. How would this appear as an in-text citation?



  1. You have two separate sources by two authors who both have the same last name. How can you distinguish between them in an in-text citation?


  1. You have two different sources by the same author on your Works Cited page. How can you distinguish between them in an in-text citation?



  1. You are citing an online article by Bernice Smith which has numbered paragraph but no page numbers. How would an in-text citation for information in paragraph three appear?



  1. What guidelines determine the placement of a parenthetical citation in a sentence?










……………….Answer Preview……………………….

MLA Study Guide

  1. How should the title appear on your Works Cited page (wording and placement on the page)?

The title should be italic when citing a published book, journal, or when referencing a particular movie.


  1. How should your Works Cited page be alphabetized?

It should be alphabetized by the very first item in each and every entry. The first entry is always the author’s last name, but if the is not author available use the work title.



Every reference should follow alphabetic order…………………


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