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Explain what practice or clinical setting you chose how the six criteria helped you choose

Explain what practice or clinical setting you chose how the six criteria helped you choose

Theoretical Development And Conceptual Frameworks
Wk 4 Assignment – Theory-Guided Practice [due Mon]
Assignment Content
Use the six criteria from this week’s readings from Fundamentals of Nursing Models, Theories, and Practice (Chapters 5 and 7) as a guide for this assignment. You can access these readings directly by using the Theory-Guided Practice Readings Link directly below this assignment entry.

Select a practice/clinical setting.

Use the following six criteria to select a theory appropriate for the setting you chose:
Clinical setting—-my clinical setting is medical-surgical setting/acute care
Origin of the theory—–Waton’s Theory
Paradigms as a basis for choice– Caring, practicing loving-kindness, faith, and hope, instill trust by being available to meet the needs of others
Patient’s needs
Explain what practice or clinical setting you chose, how the six criteria helped you choose, and why the selected theory is well suited to it.
Cite a minimum of two sources in text and include a page or slide with APA-formatted references.

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Explain what practice or clinical setting you chose how the six criteria helped you choose

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