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How the Korean conflict was different from previous conflicts

How the Korean conflict was different from previous conflicts

In a 2-3-page paper, write about: (1) how the Korean conflict was different from previous conflicts, and (2) what lessons did America learn or should have learned about future wars from the Korean War


Korean War, a ‘Forgotten’ Conflict That Shaped the World”, New York Times, January 1, 2018 (google Korean War, a forgotten conflict)

Korean War”, HISTORY.com (google Korean War HISTORY.com)

James Wright, “What We Learned From the Korean War”, The Atlantic, July 23, 2013

(google James Wright what we learned)

Dwight D. Eisenhower: Foreign Affairs”, Miller Center (Google Dwight D. Eisenhower Foreign Affairs Miller Center)

“Cold War: The Eisenhower Years” Macrohistory (google Stalin and Eisenhower)


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How the Korean conflict was different from previous conflicts


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