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Discuss the community policing philosophy

Discuss the community policing philosophy

1. Discuss the community policing philosophy.

2. Search your local or regional news web page and locate a current event involving law enforcement officers, summarize the article or post, and discuss your perception of the police officers’ actions. What contributed to your perception? Please consider the media’s role in the event, the leadership of the department’s role, and the community’s role.

Original responses to the Forum questions each week need to be substantial (350 – 500 words) and significantly supported by two scholarly references. Students must also use proper spelling, grammar, and sentence structure. The in-text citations and references will be in APA Format.

Students will also be required to respond to at least two (2) other students posting with significant comments that have substance (150 words). Comments such as, “Good job!” or “I agree” do not earn you any participation points. Your responses to another’s work should be posted as a sub-thread to the student’s original posting whom you are commenting.

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Discuss the community policing philosophyAPA

890 words

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