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The International Monetary Fund

The International Monetary Fund

Write minimum 4 – 5 full pages of text (content) on all three agencies:

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) whose international economic organization whose purpose is to promote international monetary cooperation to facilitate the expansion of international trade, The World Trade Organization – deals with the rules countries use when trading between each other and The World Bank.

You will need 4-5 references in APA Format. References must be from 2009 and on.You can go over 4 pages but not under. Remember your cover page.

You may go to www.imf.orgworldbank.org, and www.wto.org, also the CIA Factbook.

No Wikipedia, BLOGS with ads from yahoo.com or google.com search engines; UKEssay.com; www.buzzle.com or site that challenge as they present a biased opinion.

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The International Monetary Fund


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