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Summarize the duties of a prosecutor in a criminal case

Summarize the duties of a prosecutor in a criminal case

Role of a Prosecutor and 2 Case studies 1000 words

Duties of a Prosecutor

Supporting Lectures:

Ethical Systems

Ethics and Courts

Trial Court Workgroup

Prosecutors, as agents for the state, take an oath to uphold the Constitution and to seek justice on behalf of the state and its citizens.

1.Summarize the duties of a prosecutor in a criminal case, emphasizing those tasks that allow the prosecutor to wield strong influence over the case. Discuss how these particular tasks might present the prosecutor with ethical dilemmas.

2.Given that a defendant is considered innocent until proven guilty under the American judicial system, is the prosecutor also required to consider the defendant as being among the citizens he or she is protecting? Identify and explain the conflicting moral imperatives present in the duties of a prosecutor.

3.Recap the landmark Supreme Court case Brady v. Maryland (1963). Discuss the ramifications of this decision for prosecutors, with an emphasis on the ethical conflicts that may result.

4.Discuss the prosecutor’s ethical responsibilities when faced with a case that he or she would rather not pursue. For instance, consider a case in which a formerly battered wife is accused of attempted murder against her husband. Explain whether the “ethics of duty” or “ethics of care” outweigh utilitarianism for criminal prosecutors.

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Case studies

Supporting Lectures:

Ethical Systems

Correctional Philosophy

Ethical Dilemmas in Corrections

For this assignment, read the cases of Miller v. Alabama and Jackson v. Arkansas (2012). These cases deal with the topic of juveniles tried and sentenced as adults.

Analyze whether either of these cases addresses the utilitarian view of ethical treatment of convicted murderers.

Differentiate between the peacemaking philosophy and deontological philosophy in the context of murder sentencing for juveniles. Do these philosophies differ when the defendant is an adult?

Considering these two cases, determine whether either should have been handled differently under the utilitarian or the deontological philosophies.

In general terms, consider a judge who must determine whether a 16-year-old who committed a violent crime should be tried as an adult. Identify the ethical dilemma(s) the judge faces and describe how he or she might arrive at an ethical decision.

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Summarize the duties of a prosecutor in a criminal case


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