Workplace trends
> Workplace trends within and outside health care require employees to
> connect with an ever-widening array of coworkers, consultants,
> off-site employees, and other resources. Sharing knowledge is critical
> to any organization’s success, especially in the health care industry.
> Write a 3 pg paper in which you address the following questions:
> Which organizational model best describes your organization or an
> organization with which you are familiar?
> How does your organization currently share knowledge or involve
> employees in formulating solutions to problems?
> Include the following in your paper:
> The techniques that have been most effective for sharing
> information and ideas
> The techniques that proved to be ineffective
> How these techniques might be applied or modified in a health care
> work environment
> How technology might also affect this process
> Cite a minimum of three references, one of which may be your course
> textbook, to support your position.
> Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines
Workplace Trends
North Memorial Health Care uses customer-based organization, model. It is a simple structure in which the different departments of the facility are each divided into particular customer groups (Appelbaum & Wohl, 2000). For instance, the outpatients, free clinic patients, and inpatients. This is because the needs of outpatients are different from those of inpatients and a customer based models help to create customized care service for such patients. The merit of using this kind of structure in the organization is that it is specialized……………..