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Identify the genre of each of the two discourse samples

Identify the genre of each of the two discourse samples

Make a two pager not double spaced. This is just a discussion.
Option 3: The Immigrant Experience

House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros: 2 stories

How I Became A Southern-Fried Nigerian

Israel Daramola

I once felt torn between Nigeria and Florida, between jollof rice and fried alligator, but there is no real me w…

In your initial posting,

Identify the genre of each of the two discourse samples. How do the two samples deal with the topic differently or similarly?

Discuss what you observe as the features of each genre. What are the similarities between the genres of the two discourse samples? What are the differences between the genres of the two discourse samples?

Assess how genre can contribute to meaning. Is a specific genre a better choice for conveying certain ideas or perspectives?

Discuss any prior texts or discourses that might have influenced the two discourse samples. Consider prior texts of the same genre, as well as different genres. You may need to do a little research.

Discuss the situational registers of each discourse sample (if relevant). How does the situational register contribute to enregisterment, or the semiotic and style choices that give meaning to the text?

Identity specific language choices that help to convey meaning, perspective, and ideology, such as repeated words, clichés, and culturally significant language. Are these choices characteristic of the genre, the author, or the topic in general?

Discuss the frames or plots that function as scaffolds, creating worlds and contexts for the discourse.

Assess how genre and intertextuality influence and are influenced by contemporary ideologies, in particular ideologies of power, control, injustice, inequality, social change, or emancipation.

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Identify the genre of each of the two discourse samples


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