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What is the difference between differentiation and tracking

What is the difference between differentiation and tracking

“We must differentiate our mindset first and our lessons second.” (Dweck, 2012).

What does this saying mean to you? In your own words, what is the difference between differentiation and tracking?

Describe an experience where you have seen monitoring and adjusting of instruction that met the needs of students. What worked in this situation and how can you apply what was learned in future practice?

In your field experiences for this course, what type and level of interventions have you observed with students who are struggling in mathematics? Why is it important to understand the tiers of intervention to help differentiate struggles associated with content, application, or delivery (for all content areas)?

Describe a strategy that you could use if you were teaching a first grader, a third grader, and a sixth grader about geometric shapes/concepts. Explain why differentiation is important in this instance. In addition, describe a strategy that you could use if were teaching, or reinforcing, geometric concepts at the high school level (grades 9-12).

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What is the difference between differentiation and tracking


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