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What sources of information would you want to collect data from in a job analysis

What sources of information would you want to collect data from in a job analysis

Job Analysis and Job Design

Pick an industry and consider how you would go about conducting a job analysis and designing jobs to be effective. Your paper should, at a minimum, address these questions:

What sources of information would you want to collect data from in a job analysis for an organization in this industry, any why?

Which methods of data collection would be most effective in a job analysis for an organization in this industry, and why?

What critical information should go into a job description for common jobs in this industry, and why?

Of the job design aspects that we discussed, which are specifically relevant to common jobs in this industry, and why? (e.g. empowerment, teams, flexible work schedules)


Summarize your findings in a 1-2 page paper, and be prepared to discuss your results in class.

Use in-text citations to show where you are applying or discussing content from any outside sources, including websites. End your paper with a References list that gives the full details about the sources. In-text citations and References should be formatted according to APA standards

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What sources of information would you want to collect data from in a job analysis


700 words

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