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Conduct academic research on the sixteen personality types.

Conduct academic research on the sixteen personality types.

Conduct academic research on the sixteen personality types. A good place to start would be to complete a free Jung Typology Test. The Sixteen Personality Types

In a 1 page paper discuss the following:

  • Explain what personality type you are and what the characteristics are of this type.
  • Describe how this personality type would manage others.
  • Report on your experiences with this personality type and how you like to be managed at work.
  • Your assignment should include APA formatted in-text citations and references page. Your assignment should be checked for proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation.




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According to Jankowski (2016), personality is that unique characteristic that every individual have which makes one different from others in terms of thinking, how one feel or react towards something. In order to interact and live with others peaceful, it is good to understand the…..


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