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The global health problems and diseases in your selected population

The global health problems and diseases in your selected population

This assignment is designed to familiarize you with some of the global health problems and diseases in your selected population (asian /pacific islander). You will discuss the extent to which the behaviors, culture, or environment of the population affected by the infectious disease you identified in your case assignment contribute to the disease.

You should use a variety of resources for this presentation. At least two sources must come from peer-reviewed journals. Areas to include in this assignment include but are not limited to:

An overview of the selected population

A description of the disease (transmission, prevalence, etc.)

A description of potentially relevant cultural factors related to the health issue or disease.

Cultural factors such as language, diet, expectations regarding health care, and the role of traditional healing.2 – 3 pages double-spaced, excluding the cover page and the reference list.


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The global health problems and diseases in your selected population


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