Discrimination at Workplace

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Discrimination at Workplace

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An important part of our course is researching information on diversity and multiculturalism and its social, cultural, and ethical impact upon individual citizens, groups of people, and society at large.

Below is the scenario pertaining to cultural diversity. For this assignment, you will prepare a research paper that focuses on  this scenario, analyzing what happened, what the consequences either are or might be, and how the situation can be corrected and or prevented in the future. These must be concrete suggestions that could actually be implemented rather than vague references or opinions. While the situations have been fictionalized, there have been actual situations that are very similar. You will submit the report in three sections throughout the course, with a due date for each section. These due dates are posted on the Course Schedule.

The Course Project should be six to eight pages in length, with an additional Title page and Reference page(s). The Reference page should include a minimum of four different scholarly, academically accepted books and/or journals used. Do not use Wikipedia and similar encyclopedia websites, such as about.com or buzzle.com. Please review the detailed instructions for each phase of the project, which you can find in the Assignment tab for that week.


Your project will be graded as follows.

  • Week 2: Students will submit the research paper topic proposal. 25 points
  • Week 4: Students will submit the reference list and outline of their research paper. 75 points

Week 7: Students will submit the final version of their research paper. 150 points





You have been asked to look into a company’s promotion policy. Maria, a person of Latino ancestry, has filed a complaint that she was unfairly eliminated for consideration for a promotion because of her distinctive accent. She is a second generation native-born American citizen with a graduate degree, and has been with the company for 10 years and in her current position for 7. Alex, the person who received the promotion, is an Anglo, also has a graduate degree, but has less time either with the company or in the position. He is, however, considered to be an “up and comer” and has better job evaluations than Maria. Maria points out that she is not only the only Latina, she is the only person of color and the only woman in the department. She claims that her lower evaluations reflect a built-in bias on the part of her White male supervisors. She also states that she was told by her supervisor that she was not being promoted because he feared that their clients would have trouble understanding her accent. She alleges that the company is engaging in discriminatory practices.


The company argues that Maria is a good employee but is often loud and aggressive in her approach to co-workers and supervisors and has had some problems with attendance and tardiness. She has been counseled twice by her supervisor for tardiness, and once for absence. Each time she gave family problems as reasons. She explained that in each case a family member needed help and it was her duty to be there for the family member. When the issue of accent was introduced, it was acknowledged that it was a major consideration but was not because of discrimination. Maria often spoke very rapidly, and her accent made understanding difficult when she did. The company alleges that the ability to communicate clearly was an essential component of the job in question. Evaluate the situation. Are there indications of structural or individual discrimination involved or prejudicial attitudes? Is there any indication that Maria was unfairly treated? Is the company within its rights to expect its employees who communicate directly with customers to speak in unaccented English? Regardless of your findings, come up with a plan to avoid this sort of thing from happening again.


Grading Rubric


Week 2: Project Proposal

Category Points % Description
Content 10 40 Discusses which topic scenario has been chosen and why, and

how the topic is important to the study of cultural diversity.

Research Goals and Plan 10 40 Describes what the student expects to find and or what the students

would be interested in learning; describes how the student plans

to go about his or her research.

Organization and Editing 3 12 Proposal is well written, well organized, and free from errors in

spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

Formatting 2 8 Proposal is in correct APA format, with a Title page.
Total 25 100 A quality paper will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.


Week 4: Reference List and Outline

Category Points % Description
Outline and Organization 35 47 Outline lists the main topics the project will cover and incorporates

the key elements of the chosen topic scenario; outline is clearly

written and wellorganized.

Reference List 30 40 Reference list contains at least four credible sources.
Formatting 10 13 Submission is in correct APA format, with a Title page.
Total 75 100 A quality paper will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.


Week 7: Final Paper

Category Points % Description
Content 105 70.2 Addresses each component of the chosen topic scenario,

integrating concrete examples and strategies, and uses

information from sources to support points.

Documentation & Formatting 15 10 Follows correct APA format, including a Title page and

reference page with at least four credible sources.

Organization & Cohesiveness 10 6.6 Cohesive and well organized, with a clear introduction and a

conclusion that summarizes the paper’s key points.

Editing 10 6.6 Uses proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
Length 10 6.6 Meets minimum length requirement of six to eight pages of text.
Total 150 100 A quality paper will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.








……………..Answer Preview……………


  1. Introduction
  2. Body of paper

Evaluation of the situation

Individual discrimination and prejudicial attitudes

Individual discrimination of Maria

Company’s rights on expectations to employees

  1. Summary paragraph
  2. Conclusion
  3. Reference page


In an ideal world, most people will assume that people are treated equally when applying for a job and in its advancement within the given field (Roscigno, 2007). Discrimination at the workplace is still a significant issue currently globally. Discrimination now still plays a crucial role during the hiring, promoting and firing of individuals. The majority within……………..


2,650 Words

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