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Compare the confrontational and cooperative police labor-management models

Compare the confrontational and cooperative police labor-management models

Your initial post should be 250-350 words in length. Support your claims with examples from required material(s) and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any references.

!) Compare the confrontational and cooperative police labor-management models. What organizational circumstances are necessary for each model to be successful? What organizational or community situations make one model more appropriate than the other? Which model do you prefer?

2) Identify the options that communities have regarding the influence, support, or removal of a politically appointed Police Chief. How influential can the community, labor union, or political leadership be in supporting a chief who is under fire by opposition supporters? Conduct research and cite an example that is not included in the assigned readings.

3) As collective bargaining regarding public employees pay, benefits, and pension obligations agreements have become a significant issue across the United States, complete a comparison of the three models of collective bargaining. In your analysis, identify which model(s) are more advantageous to either labor or management and why. How does the reduction of employee rights in several states affect law enforcement? What impact does the inability to strike have on the collective bargaining process?

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Compare the confrontational and cooperative police labor-management models


963 words

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