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How would you define the organizational culture and values in your company

How would you define the organizational culture and values in your company


In order for you to gain a real understanding of the challenges faced by today’s managers, you will interview a business owner, manager or entrepreneur in order to gather information from someone with experience managing a business. This can be someone you already know (e.g. a friend, family member or colleague in a managerial position). Entrepreneurship is risky business. Thousands of new businesses are started and thousands of others fail each year. Why would someone give up the security of working for others to assume the risk of business ownership? The interview will cover the main topics of the course and might include questions such as:
What is the form of business chosen by the company or by the entrepreneur(s)? What are the perceived benefits of the selected form? How would you define the organizational culture and values in your company? What would you do to change it? What are the opportunities and the threats of going global? To what extent is team collaboration promoted? How do you motivate and empower others? Did you ever work for someone else? If so, why did you stop? Why did you want to go into business for yourself?
What expectations did you have when you started the business? Which of these expectations were fulfilled? Which of your expectations were not fulfilled?
What advice do you have for an entrepreneur thinking of starting a new business today?
Additional questions you select based on topics from the course. The final project should be double spaced, 12pt. font and must use proper APA citations.

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How would you define the organizational culture and values in your company

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