Short conversation with one family member or friend about his and her background
Topic Investigation assignment
Paper details
Goal of essay –
Have a short conversation with one family member or friend about
his/her background. Ask about their ethnic, racial, and/or linguistic
background and culture. Consider asking them, “If you were to describe
your background to someone, what would you say?” and “If you could
only use three words to describe your identity, what would those three
words be?” Be sure to ask them what or who has influenced their
identity, for example, family, particular life experiences, friends or
peers, media, educational experiences, work experiences, etc.
Basic role of essay –
In 3 double-spaced pages 1) summarize your group’s response to your
opinion of this week’s readings (e.g., did your group share your
opinion?) and 2) describe your experience conducting IA#1. Who did you
talk to? Where? What did you learn? And, what connections can you make
to the course?
Au_Participation Structures in a Reading Lesson with Hawaiian Children-1 (1) McCarty et. al._Native American Youth Discourses on Language Shift and Retention-1 (1) Heath_What No Bedtime Story Means-1 (1)
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