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Power and politics greatly influence an organizational culture in turn hinder organizational productivity

Power and politics greatly influence an organizational culture in turn hinder organizational productivity

In business, power and politics greatly influence an organizational culture in turn hinder organizational productivity. In your role as consultant you observed power and politics influence on the corporate culture.


Create a double-spaced 4 to 7 page report that addresses the following:

1) Influence of Politics and Power

Explain how politics and power-play may have influenced the

organization’s culture.

2) Sources of Power

Explore the sources of power and describe how management

could use this influence to benefit your department and improve organizational performance.

3) Leadership Behavior and Culture

Make recommendations that support how the study of power

and politics could influence leadership behavior and improve the organization’s culture.

4) Leadership Influence

Discuss the importance and complexity of leadership behavior.

How does it influence organizational structure and performance?

5) References and Citations

Provide at least 2 quality resources.

In-text citations are required when paraphrasing or quoting another source.

6) Formatting and Writing Standards

Formatting and writing standards are part of your grade. Align

your formatting to the Strayer Writing Standards.

*Grading for this assignment will be based on the following criteria and evaluation standards:




Exemplary 100% – A

Proficient 85% – B

Fair 75% – C

Unacceptable 0% – F

1. Influence of Politics and Power

Weight: 20%

Completely explains how politics and power-play may have influenced the organization’s culture. Accurately identifies the core issues and strongly connects them to the impact on culture. The explanation

is well-supported by research.

Satisfactorily explains how politics and power-play may have influenced the organization’s culture. Identifies some core issues and connects them to the impact on the culture. The explanation uses research support.

Partially explains how politics and power-play may have influenced the organization’s culture. Identifies some issues but does not fully explore them or make a strong connection to their impact. Uses little research support.

Does not explain how politics and power-play may have influenced the organization’s culture.

2. Sources of Power

Weight: 20%

Completely identifies the sources of power and describes how management could use this influence to enhance organizational performance. Uses relevant key concepts and makes valid connections to enhanced performance that are well-supported by research.

Satisfactorily identifies the sources of power and describes how management could use this influence to enhance organizational performance. Most key concepts are accurately identified and there is a connection to enhanced performance with research support.

Partially identifies the sources of power and describes how management could use this influence to enhance organizational performance. Not all key concepts are identified and there is a loose connection to performance. There is little research support.

Does not identify the sources of power or describe how management could use this influence to enhance organizational performance. There is no reference to research.

3. Leadership Behavior and Culture

Weight 25%

Provides excellent recommendations as to how the study of power and politics could influence leadership behavior and impact the organization’s culture. Recommendations are credible and relevant with a strong connection to the impact on culture backed by well-supported research.

Satisfactorily recommends how the study of power and politics could influence leadership behavior and impact the organization’s culture. Recommendations are clear and mostly realistic; there is a connection to the impact on culture. Research support is evident.

Partially recommends how the study of power and politics could influence leadership behavior and impact the organization’s culture, but the recommendations are unclear or unrealistic. There is no clear connection to the impact on culture. There is little or no research support.

Does not recommend how the study of power and politics could influence leadership behavior and impact the organization’s culture. There is no reference to research.

4. Leadership Influence

Weight 20%

Thoroughly discusses how the importance and complexity of leadership behavior influences organizational structure and performance. Relevant key concepts are presented with strong research support.

Satisfactorily discusses how the importance and complexity of leadership behavior influences organizational structure and performance. Most key concepts are presented with research support.

Partially discusses how the importance and complexity of leadership behavior influences organizational structure and performance. Some key concepts are missing and there is little or no research support.

Does not discuss how the importance and complexity of leadership behavior influences organizational structure and performance. There is no reference to research.

5. Reference minimums; Reference quality

Answer preview to power and politics greatly influence an organizational culture in turn hinder organizational productivity

Power and politics greatly influence an organizational culture in turn hinder organizational productivity


284 words

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