Self-Reflective Document: Letter to Past Self
By reflecting and analyzing your progress through the semester, and using the tools of metacognition you have gained, you will generate a letter to your past self, articulating how you achieved the learning outcomes in WRIT 200. Your letter will critically self-reflect about the entire semester. Because it is impossible to explain everything from each class period and assignment (just like you wouldn’t detail every moment in a letter), details will demonstrate an understanding of the rhetorical situation and demonstrate an understanding of textual conventions.
Rhetorical Situation
Write a letter to your past self that explains your achievement of learning outcomes with a tone you have determined and to an audience of WRIT 200 instructors.
Assignment Details
Using the assignment reflections, the class syllabus, the program syllabus, and relevant free-writes as a starting point, you will generate a 3 page minimum document in which you write a letter to your past self. 2 ½ pages does not meet the requirement. As you reflect on your semester to your past self, use specific examples of critical moments in which you achieved learning outcomes. The tone you take is up to you, but should move in a linear timeline towards meeting WRIT 200 learning outcomes in your semester.
the major assignments that u need to include on the paper: