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Review the types of assessments used in your workplace or classroom

Review the types of assessments used in your workplace or classroom

View of Stakeholders and response by facilitator

When selecting an assessment, it is important to consider the needs of all stakeholders. Review the types of assessments used in your workplace or classroom. Collect several types of assessments for your Assessment Matrix that is due Saturday.

Write five questions that you as a stakeholder (person taking the assessment) might ask a facilitator (person giving the assessment) pertaining to reliability and validity.

In your post include the following headings: Context, Facilitator, Stakeholder, and Stakeholder Questions.

Click here for information on course rubrics.


The following materials are required studies for this week. Complete these studies at the beginning of the week and save these weekly materials for future use.

Classroom Assessment: What Teachers Need to Know (Popham, 2017)

Chapter 3: Reliability of Assessment

Chapter 4: Validity

Chapter 5: Fairness

The Perfect Assessment System (Stiggins, 2017)

Chapter 1: Confronting Our Assessment Crisis: It’s Time to Start Over

Chapter 3: Overview of the Perfect Assessment Cure and System

Chapter 4: Assessments That Serve All Users and Uses

Chapter 5: Start With Clear and Appropriate Learning Targets

Chapter 7: Effective Communication of Assessment Results

Chapter 9: The Costs and Benefits of Perfection

NOTE: The ASCD Study Guide for The Perfect Assessment System (ASCD, 2017) is an alternative resource for the Stiggins (2017) text. This option is offered in case the Stiggins (2017) text takes longer than expected to arrive. The full Stiggins (2017) textbook is required for this course, and students will need to reference the Roadmap, Scenarios and Contrasting Dynamics in the last half of this course.


Communicating With Parents: Strategies for Teachers (Graham-Clay, 2005) [Web page]

Improving Teaching Through Improving Evaluation: A Guide to Course Portfolios(Laverie, 2002) [Web page]

Validity and Reliability (Concordia University Portland, 2014) [PDF]

Classroom Assessment Matrix Template (Zientara, 2014) [DOC]


Gamed by the System: Adequate Yearly Progress as an Indicator of Persistently Low-Achieving School Performance (Hochbein, Mitchell, & Pollio, 2013) [Web page]

Budgeters’ Views of State Performance-Budgeting Systems: Distinctions Across Branches(Melkers & Willoughby, 2001) [Web page]

Managing for Results in State Government: Evaluating a Decade of Reform (Moynihan, 2006) [Web page]

Answer preview to review the types of assessments used in your workplace or classroom

Review the types of assessments used in your workplace or classroom

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