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Discussion of human happiness and misery to the issue of virtue ethics

Discussion of human happiness and misery to the issue of virtue ethics

Careful read Theodore Dalrymple’s The Frivolity of Evil and response in which address each of the following five questions:

– What is the author’s main argument?

– How does he support his main argument (evidence, ancillary arguments, etc.)?

– Relate the author’s discussion of human happiness and misery to the issue of virtue ethics with specific reference to Aristotle’s Virtue Theory (in chapter 2 of the textbook ” Disputed Moral Issues” by Mark Timmons).

– Do you agree or disagree with Dalrymple’s analysis? why or why not? (Feel free to include observations from your won experience or that of friends, relatives, or acquaintances.)

– 7 pages



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Discussion of human happiness and misery to the issue of virtue ethics


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