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Type of potential gender discrimination

Type of potential gender discrimination

Create a chart with rows and columns to establish the following requirements of discrimination under the law in the following areas at the top:

Title VII Gender Discrimination in Employment Practices

Sexual Harassment Based on Hostile Work Environment

Quid-Pro-Quo Sexual Harassment

Sexual Orientation in the Workplace

Along the left side of the chart, create the following rows:

Requirements to Prove Under the Law

Ways Employers can Minimize Liability

Recent Case Example

Complete the chart for each section.

Explain in 350 to 525 words the requirements of each type of potential gender discrimination.

Explain in 350 to 525 words the specific ways employers can minimize liability for each type of gender discrimination.

Research and include a relevant case to illustrate each type of gender discrimination.

Format your citations and references consistent with APA guidelines.

Submit your assignment.

school week 3 assignment 1 school Gender Discrimination school Sexual Harrasment Chart description 1 pages, Single Spacing

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Type of potential gender discrimination


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