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American political party system

American political party system

Discuss the American political party system.  Should the system be abolished altogether or reformed?  If so, what do you propose? Justify your argument.

A Review of Basic Writing Standards
*A well-written paper requires a thesis or an argument.  You should state your thesis in the beginning or introduction of your paper.

*The introduction should tell the reader exactly what you are going to say in your paper.  The introduction should also be interesting so as to entice the reader.

*The body of the paper should provide evidence that convinces the reader of your central claims. Citations from books and articles, and other sources can help to strengthen your argument.

*The conclusion of your paper should summarize your major arguments and consider any implications of your thesis. It should also cohesively tie everything together.

Also, let me know if you have any questions regarding proper source citation; and remember, sources like Ask Jeeves, about.com, yahoo answers and Wikipedia are not adequate academic sources. Your paper will be penalized if these sources are used.

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American political party system


1179 words

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