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Managerial and leadership approaches

Managerial and leadership approaches

After reading Bennis (2009), describe in three to five paragraphs:

What you believe to be the three differential factors between the managerial and leadership approaches to the operation of organizations.

Provide one practical example in your current capacity that is a managerial function and one practical example of a leadership approach that you currently demonstrate in your current capacity.

Support your statements with evidence from the required studies and your research. Cite and reference your sources in APA style.


Through participation in the following activities, the candidate will:

Articulate a synthesis of applicable research findings and theory on which the study of family, school and community partnerships is based.

Servant Leadership


Final Project

Articulate a synthesis of the major best practices for district and state leadership in school-family-community partnerships, and develop an action plan for identifying and engaging program partners and resources at these levels

Servant Leadership


Final Project

Synthesize a set of best practices for family-community-school partnerships based on their identification and review of successful school-based programs as well as emerging collective impact models of collaboration.

Servant Leadership


Final Project

Synthesize a set of research and best practices based generalizable attributes of successful family-community-school partnership programs.

Servant Leadership


Final Project

Create a set of research and best practices based criteria for identifying, selecting and assessing community partners, as well as structures and strategies for organizing and managing collaborations to optimize collective impact.

Servant Leadership


Final Project


The following materials are required studies for this week. Complete these studies at the beginning of the week and save these weekly materials for future use.


On Becoming a Leader (Bennis, 2009) [Web page]

Change Leader: Learning to do What Matters Most (Fullan, 2011) [Web page]

Chapter 4: Collaborate to Compete

Action Implications section, pages 101 – 108


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Managerial and leadership approaches


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