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The Constitution or its amendment

The Constitution or its amendment

Business Law

500 words

250 for each amendment you pick

choose 2 of the following sections of the U.S. Constitution or a specified amendment to use as the basis for your initial response:

1st Amendment

4th Amendment

5th Amendment

14th Amendment

Identify the section of the Constitution or its amendment that you have chosen. Discuss how this section of the Constitution or its amendments both limit andprotect business in general.Describe an example of how the section of the Constitution or its amendment that you have chosen could be applied to your professional life (past, present, or future). In your example, discuss whether the section of the Constitution you have chosen to address limits business or protects

-Limited Liability Companies 400

When to form an LLC (Limited Liability Company) (Links to an external site.)Links to an external

Discusses why the LLC is one of the most popular types of business entity. After reading the article and Chapter 30 of the textbook, compare an LLC with a C corporation and with an S corporation. If you were operating your own business, would you choose the LLC as the organizational form for your business? Explain your reasoning

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The Constitution or its amendment


822 words

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