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Roadblocks for women in sports and sports media

Roadblocks for women in sports and sports media

Answer those questions:

What do you think are the main roadblocks for women in sports and sports media?

Do you feel that the discrimination against women in sports media has gotten better over time?

What do you believe are the most important classes or subjects that would prepare students for sports management careers?

If you could change part of the curriculum at your school, would you? If so, what would it be?

Do you believe that this method could work in the major sports in the United states?

What are some of the sports here that could benefit from marketing over social media?

What do you think would be the best platform to promote and market a sports team on?

Do you think that the sports world has gone away from the paper printing as their main source of communication?

What do you think that most people want to get their sports information on?


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Roadblocks for women in sports and sports media


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