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Drafting Your Argument

Drafting Your Argument

Lesson Summary

In this lesson, you have learned about the techniques you can use to write an effective argument. Now it is time to apply those techniques to write the first draft of your argument.

To prepare for writing your argument, you have:

  • developed a claim
  • identified possible counterclaims
  • researched credible sources for evidence that supports your claim
  • outlined your main points, counterpoints, and rebuttals


Assessment Instructions

To complete this assignment:

Step 1: Gather your materials and start writing your draft.

Step 2: Annotate your finished draft to show the techniques you have used.

  • Underline your hook.
  • Highlight transition words in yellow.
  • Highlight domain specific and precise language in green.
  • Highlight figurative language used in pink.
  • Highlight references to your graphic representation in blue.



Your draft will be evaluated according to the Drafting Your Argument rubric. This rubric will check for the content of your draft as well as the organization of your writing. Check the rubric to verify the requirements for your completed argument.

  On Track
11-15 points
Needs Improvement
0-10 points
Introduction Introduction effectively introducesthe claim and includes an engaging hook. Hook is underlined per annotation guidelines. Introduction does not clearly introduce the claim or is lacking an engaging hook. Hook is not underlined.
Conclusion Conclusion effectively reminds the audience of the claim, counterclaim, and the importance of the topic. Encourages further action. Does not introduce new ideas. Conclusion attempts to remind the audience of the claim, counterclaim, and the importance of the topic. Does not encourage further action. Possibly introduces new ideas that detract from the original claim.
Development of Body Paragraphs Body paragraphs thoroughlyexpand the ideas originally presented in the outline. Solid supporting evidencegathered from research is included. Body paragraphs do not fully expand the ideas originally presented in the outline.
Figurative Language Argument successfully incorporates two examples of figurative language that are designed to appeal to the audience. Examples are highlighted in pink per the annotation guidelines. Argument attempts to incorporate two examples or incorporates fewer than two examples. Examples are not highlighted.
Supporting Evidence Solid supporting evidencegathered from research is included. Supporting evidence is weak, incomplete, or not based on research.
Transitions Transitional phrases effectively link pieces of supporting evidence and provide a logical progression from one idea to the next. Examples are highlighted in yellow per the annotation guidelines. Transitional phrases attempt to establish a logical progression from one idea to the next, but do not effectively link pieces of supporting evidence. Examples are not highlighted.
Domain Specific/Precise Language Argument includes well-chosen domain specific and precise language. Examples are highlighted in green per the annotation guidelines. Domain specific and precise language is absent or insufficient. Examples are not highlighted.
Graphical Representation Chart, graph, or infographic is successfully incorporated as supporting evidence for the claim. References to item are highlighted in blue per the annotation guidelines. Chart, graph, or infographic is absent or insufficiently incorporated as supporting evidence for the claim. References are not highlighted.
Works Cited In-text citations are properly incorporated and correspond to correctly formatted source citations in the Works Cited page. In-text citations are absent or incorporated incorrectly. Sources on the Works Cited page are incomplete or formatted incorrectly.
Conventions Draft shows minimalconventions errors. Draft shows many conventions errors.





………….Answer Preview……………


With the phosphoric acid content in Soda, the body’s ability to absorb calcium is interfered with, and that can lead to bone softening or osteoporosis. Obesity is brought about when the phosphoric acid interacts with the stomach acid, blocks nutrient absorption and slows down the digestion process. Obesity has astronomical effects on one’s body, i.e. cancer, heart…………….


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