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human resourses

human resourses


Answer the questions of Case 1 and 2 (minimum 500 words each)

Case 1

“You Can’t Fire Me! Check Your Policy”

Page 595 (Chapter 13 – Case Study 2)

Read the Case Study entitled, “You Can’t Fire Me! Check Your Policy” on page 595 in Chapter 13 (Case Study 2). Then, answer all of the questions at the end of the case. (See Attachment)


Case 2

How about a 900 Percent Raise?

Page 692 (Chapter 15 – Case Study 1)

Read the Case Study entitled, “How about a 900 Percent Raise?” on page 692 in Chapter 15 (Case Study 1). Then, answer all of the questions at the end of the case. (See Attachment)




Respond to Post #1, Post#2, Post #3 (150 words each) please include references.



Question: First, read the section on dispute resolution in your textbook. Then, from your reading, answer the following:

  • What do you think would constitute an effective alternative dispute resolution system?
  • What benefits would you expect from such a system?
  • If you were asked to rule on a discharge (firing) case, what facts would you analyze in deciding whether to uphold or reverse the employer’s action?

Post #2 (respond to the comment bellow)

Internal HRMs work internationally or beyond national borders, whereas its Domestic Human resource management works within the set, local, national borders. Although it is know that, the International HRM has to apply to not only the basic rules and regulations but also have to abide by straight international polices such as special work permits, taxation at the international location of work, language requirements, and staying within employment protocols. Unlike the local human resource management they follow the basic rule and regulations pertaining mainly to local taxation and ordinary employment-related issues (www.differencebetween.net).

The top 3 reasons for failure of employee expatriates are, Family stress: would be number one especially for families especially if there are married or even have kids and Spouses tend to get unhappy can’t handle culture shock in the new country, Cultural inflexibility: expatriate mangers not being able to adapt or even adjust to such a difference in culture, Physical breakdown: once they have relocated to places such as Asia, they pick up the motto “whatever it takes” meaning they push themselves and overwork themselves long hours to become successful sometimes causing their families to be financially stable but emotionally unhappy (www.chalre.com).

In my opinion, couple ways and organization can avoid failure with expatriate managers is by hiring candidates that have or are willing to be ambassadors of their country, provide a program to help expatriates and families to be able to adjust, hiring personals that have human relation skills by being able to communicate and interact with the new culture and help reinforce those abilities in the workplace.


IHRM vs Domestic HRM. (2013). Retrieved from http://www.differencebetween.net/businessdifference-between-ihrm-and-domestic-hrm.

Challenges in Expatriate Postings.  Retrieved from http://www.chalre.com/reasons_expat_failure.htm.



The use of alternative dispute systems are more prevalent now than in the past. Do you think that this speaks well of organizations? Do you think the type of process an organization uses gives us a glimpse into their culture?







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Human Resources

Part 1

Case 1

            The performance of employee should guide the human resources department when it comes to dismissal of staff. When the performance is exemplary, then the employee is considered as an asset. Mary had issues when it came to her attendance in the company as she had absenteeism issues as such the human resources according to their policy should ensure that warnings are given her dismissal. The performance of Mary in this case would…………….


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