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Diverse Group Exceptional Learners

Diverse Group Exceptional Learners

Diverse Group Exceptional Learners

Create a 15-20 slide presentation of the children observed without using photos of them or specific names or other identifying information. Include the following:
In general:
1. Identify and explain the developmental skills and multiple influences on early development and learning.
2. Identify relevant assistive technologies for children with special needs and effective instructional strategies.
For the observed children:
1. Classroom instruction that integrated developmentally appropriate teaching/learning approaches that met the needs of the observed children. Provide specific examples of the differentiation strategies. Integrate a technology tool for the child and/or teacher.
2. Explain the learning plans that were created for the observed children.
3. Identify and describe appropriate ongoing assessments, e.g., formal and informal, relevant to learning plans for the observed children.
In addition, create a title slide, reference slides, and slide notes that provide detailed explanations.
Use 3-5 scholarly resources.
APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
You are required to submit the presentation to LopesWrite.


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Diverse Group Exceptional Learners

17 slides

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