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Think about the skills you have gained through coursework, personal experiences, and previous employment that will help you be effective in organizations.

Think about the skills you have gained through coursework, personal experiences, and previous employment that will help you be effective in organizations.

Think about the skills you have gained through coursework, personal experiences, and previous employment that will help you be effective in organizations. Provide a list of skills you possess in each of the following categories: (a) work-content skills, (b) personal attributes (such as communication and self-management), and (c) technology. Explain how each skill might help you in your current career or in the career you intend to pursue, and provide specific examples.

The paper must be two to four pages in length (excluding title and reference pages) and must be formatted according to APA style. For information regarding APA samples and tutorials, visit the Ashford Writing Center.


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Work-content skills

Management skills; Having studies a management course, I believe I can effectively manage those working for me or with me. These skills will assist me in handling employees that will be working under me. For instance, they will enable me to identify and the handle conflicts among my team members in an effective manner…


603 words

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