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For this assignment you will examine yourself concept (or at least part of it) & mdash; the mental image (the list of skills, abilities

For this assignment you will examine yourself concept (or at least part of it) & mdash; the mental image (the list of skills, abilities


For this assignment you will examine yourself concept (or at least part of it) & mdash; the mental image (the list of skills, abilities, interests, and roles) you have about yourself. You will then determine a thesis: a statement including the three adjectives (self-motivated, energetic, thoughtful, practical, eclectic, eccentric, industrious, independent, etc.) that most accurately describe who you are most of the time. Think in terms of the overall picture of yourself (not physically, unless that is the basis of your identity). Be sure these adjectives accurately sum up the vast list you have made. You will write a five-paragraph (about 2 typed pages — double-spaced, 12-pt. font, in MS Word) essay that describes who you are: yourself concept. You should include the adjective in your topic sentence for each paragraph and several examples of skills, abilities, hobbies, interests, and roles in the body of the paragraph to explain how each adjective accurately describes you. If you are independent, include several examples that demonstrate this. Be sure to also comment on what influences these aspects of yourself concept. Did you pick this up from your parents, a role model, a celebrity? Did something happen to influence your personality or behaviors? Include references to specific theories of self-concept development. Don’t forget to write an interesting introduction that gains your reader & rsquo;s attention, tells who you are, and includes your thesis statement. Also write an effective conclusion that sums up all of your main points and states basically who (what kind of person) you are.

Format MLA

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Self-concept Essay

Most individuals will often answer dismally to a question asking them to give a self-description. Due to the repressive advice that most people received in their childhood, any question relating to self-examination is one that flusters many people. Even during job interviews, this is a question that is dreaded by most disconcerted candidates, who will normally blush or stammer before finding addressing the question (Alexander, 56). I believe that the whole purpose of existence is growth, and this underlines the importance….


672 words

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