Home » Downloads » In this assignment, you will evaluate two hypothetical criminal cases in terms of inmate release. Imagine you are the authority figure in connection with these cases.

In this assignment, you will evaluate two hypothetical criminal cases in terms of inmate release. Imagine you are the authority figure in connection with these cases.

In this assignment, you will evaluate two hypothetical criminal cases in terms of inmate release. Imagine you are the authority figure in connection with these cases.


Inmate Release

In this assignment, you will evaluate two hypothetical criminal cases in terms of inmate release. Imagine you are the authority figure in connection with these cases. Significant overcrowding in the prison system means these two inmates must receive early release; your task is to determine what form that release should take.

Scenario A: Inmate A, a former addict, was convicted of selling drugs and has served two years of a four-year sentence. This first-time offender has been a model inmate.

Scenario B: Inmate B was convicted of a white-collar crime, embezzlement, and has served nine months of a three-year sentence. This first-time offender has been reported for aggressive behavior.

Write a 2-3 page Essay explaining the decisions you would make regarding release in each of these scenarios and your reasons for doing so. Address the following components in your paper:

Describe the possible methods that could be used to release each inmate into the community.

Select the release method you would assign to each criminal.

Provide a thorough explanation for each of your decisions.

You should write at least one page in response to each scenario.


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Inmate A could be released into the community by using either the temporary absence or the full parole methods of inmate release. Full parole is awarded to the inmates in order for them to serve the remaining part of their sentences in the community. This is awarded to inmates after they have served a third of their term or after serving seven years.  Inmates serving life imprisonment for first degree murder can only apply for this release after serving 25 years while those serving for second-degree murder can…


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