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Outlaw Cell Phone Use in Moving Cars

Outlaw Cell Phone Use in Moving Cars

“Outlaw Cell Phone Use in Moving Cars

Four paragraphs with seven sentences in each paragraph.

One of the paragraphs will be the introductory paragraph.

The introductory paragraph will contain the hook, transition and thesis.

The thesis statement with begin with the refutation of the opposing point of view and then proceed to clearly state your position. Highlight the thesis statement in yellow.

Each of your body paragraphs will begin with the a topic sentence that lays out one supporting fact of the opposing point of view. Then in the rest of the paragraph you refute that point of view.

Include at least one nonidentifying relative clause in your essay and highlight it in yellow.

As you support your point of view, present at least one hedging word or phrase in your persuasion and highlight it in yellow

To present an opposing points of view, use a noun clause with a “wh” word and highlight it in yellow.

Use several logical connectors throughout the essay and highlight them in yellow.

You will have at least two expert sources to support your persuasion. “According to” + source + independent clause. Highlight these in yellow.

The essay as the others will be double spaced, black ink, 12 point, Times New Roman. Indent the first line of each paragraph and center your title


…………………….Answer preview…………………………

The use of cell phones in moving cars should be banned regardless of whether it is being used by the driver or a passenger. When traveling to meet a friend, imagine you notice the oncoming car swerving and its coming straight towards you at a high speed. The first thing you might think of doing is probably hooting…………………..


727 words

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